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2023-03-20 15:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



01 第一套翻译


【参考答案】In recent years, an increasing number of young people have been interested in various self-guided tours. Many self-guided tourists choose to travel on foot or by bike. They design the routes themselves and bring their own tents, kitchenware, and other daily necessities. During the journey, self-guided tourists can find new beautiful scenic spots, but sometimes they will come across unexpected difficulties or emergencies. Tourists embrace nature and enjoy the beautiful scenery during their trips, and at the same time, they could build up their courage to overcome difficulties and their ability to survive in the wild.

02 第二套翻译

【原文】随着生活水平的提高,更多人开始加入到自驾游的行列之中。自驾游者既可驾驶自家车也可借车或租车出游。司机可能是车主或结伴出游者。自驾游与传统的组团旅游不同,它能够更好地满足旅游者的个性化需求,使他们更好地享受旅游的过程。自驾游尤其受到年轻出游者的欢迎。年轻人追求独立自由的生活,而自驾游恰好满足了他们的这一需求。【参考答案】With the improvement of living standards, more people begin self-driving tours. They can drive their own car, borrow a car or rent a car. The driver may be the car owner or the travelling companion. Different from traditional group tours, self-driving tours can meet tourists' individual needs and enable them to enjoy the journey better. Self-driving tours are especially popular among young travelers. Young people pursue independent and free lifestyle, and self-driving travel just satisfies their needs.

03 第三套翻译



In recent years, more and more urban residents have been attracted by the rural landscape of the countryside and travel to rural areas during holidays. They stay in farmers' houses, taste local farm food. Some tourists also participate in activities such as picking vegetables and fruits and experience the joy of harvest personally. Rural tourism can effectively help tourists relieve stress, relax their mind and improve physical and mental health. In fact, this kind of tourism can not only benefit urban tourists, but also increase farmers' income and promote rural economic development.

四级写作解析01 第一套写作

题目Directions:Suppose you attended a lecture by a famous scholar, write a report to the campus newspaper, summarizing the main points. You will have 30 minutes for the task. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.



Last Monday, our university invited Mr. Smith, a renowned scholar in psychology, to give us an inspiring lecture on how to cope with stress and anxiety, which attracted more than 200 students from 6 different departments.

During the lecture, Mr. Smith proposed three methods of solving the problem. First, leading a healthy lifestyle can calm our nerves. It is of great necessity for us to take regular physical exercise and eat a balanced diet. Second, college students ought to strike a balance between academic study and extracurricular activities. Nowadays, students in large numbers are under great pressure at school. It is through after-school activities that we can relax our minds and make more friends. Finally, it is suggested that schools should pay due attention to students’ mental health and offer them individual counseling in time.

In summary, Mr. Smith’s lecture not only boosts our confidence but also helps us realize the significance of mental health. We should call on our friends and classmates to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.


02 第二套写作


Directions:Suppose you have taken part in a career planning seminar: Write an account of the seminar and summarize what you have learned from it. You will have 30 minutes for the task. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


范文The purpose of this writing is to report on the career planning seminar organized by the Students’ Union, which was successfully held in the Student Center last Monday. The seminar invited Mr. Smith, an expert in human resources, and 80 students from different departments.

The seminar aims to help us realize the significance of career planning, from which I have learned a lot. First of all, it is of great necessity for college students to think about our strengths and weaknesses. Nowadays, youngsters in growing numbers find it difficult to choose a favorite job. Self-awareness can help us select one that best suits us. Secondly, if youngsters intend to achieve success in their future jobs, it is advisable to horn our social skills and gain internship experience while at school. In summary, as a senior student who will graduate this July, I firmly believed that making a plan for future careers can not only arouse our passion for life but also help us better prepare ourselves for job seeking.


03 第三套写作

题目Directions:You will have 30 minutes for the task. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


范文The purpose of this writing is to recommend a famous book to you, Journey to the West, one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature, written by Wu Chengen.

Here are the reasons why you should read this classic. First of all, it has an intriguing plot. In the book, a famous monk Xuanzang, accompanied by his three disciples, went on a journey to western China. During this hard journey, they fought against monsters and evil spirits and helped the local people live a peaceful life. Secondly, the story tells us that only through teamwork spirit can we overcome difficulties. It is of great significance for youngsters to work together with one another both at school and work. Finally, Journey to the West is such a renowned book that you can find a copy easily in libraries or online.

Francis Bacon once said, “Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability”. Reading extensively can bring us knowledge, arouse our passion for life, and help us go further on the way to success. I hope you will enjoy it!



四级听力解析01 第一套听力

【Section A】

News Report 1


[1] African leaders plan to turn the continent into a continent without borders. They will introduce a single passport policy, allowing free movement between countries. The idea from the African Union has been modeled on the EU-Schengen Free Movement Deal. Europe has abolished many internal borders. This enables visa free movement across the continent. Currently, 13 African countries have visa free deals in place with each other. These allow citizens to visit another country without a visa. Some countries offer visas on arrival. In contrast, Americans are able to travel to 20 of the continent's countries without a visa or secure a visa on arrival. The African Union, which represents 54 states, wants to abolish the requirement of a visa for Africans visiting other African countries. [2] It also wants to establish a free trade deal across the continent in the near future, as trade within the African continent cost more than any other region.

题目+答案Question one, what is the news report mainly about?

1.A)A proposed policy allowing Africans totravel in Africa without a visa.

Question two, what benefit will a free trade deal bring to African economy?

2.C) lt will reduce the cost of trade betweenAfrican countries.

News Report 2


[3] Researchers at the Iceland found a new way of tackling climate change by pumping carbon dioxide underground and turning it into stone. Other carbon capture and storage methods store carbon dioxide as a gas. But problems include a high cost and concern about leaks. This new method of burying carbon dioxide and turning it into stone is cheaper and more secure, the Guardian reports. To turn carbon dioxide into stone, researchers with the carb fixed project pumped the gas into volcanic rock and sped up the natural process in which the volcanic rock reacts with gas and forms carbon minerals. The gas turned into solid in just two years, much faster than the hundreds or thousands of years researchers had predicted. The research took place at Iceland's Hellisheidi power plant.Already, the project in Iceland has been increased in scale to bury 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide each year. [4] One potential difficulty is that for each ton of carbon dioxide buried, the technique requires 25 tons of water. However, the lead researcher said sea water could be used.


Q3. What new method has been developed to help fight climate change?

3.D)Pumping carbon dioxide underground toform stone.

Q4. What is a potential difficulty in applying the new technique?

4.C) High consumptionof water

News Report 3


[5] Association has said the National Association of French Millers says bread consumption is on the decline, with french people eating nine grams less than in the previous year. The association is concerned about the effects this trend will have on their trade and suggests three reasons why it is happening. Association cited changing diets, in particular, the switch to those low in calories as a factor in the reduction of bread consumption. This could explain why the difference in consumption between genders is so big. Nowadays, men eat an approximate average of 140 grams of bread daily, [6] whereas women eat 80 to 90 grams. The second reason they say is lifestyle changes in the country [7] with people dedicating less time to breakfast when bread would traditionally be eaten with butter and jam.Finally, the rising cost of bread is considered to be a factor with the price of a French stick loaf, increasing by nearly 25 % in the last 10 years.

题目+答案Q5. What does the news report say about French people's bread consumption?

5.B) It has been on the decline

Q6. What do we learn about french women from the report?

6.D)They favor diets lowerin calories

Q7. What is said about lifestyle changes of the French people?

7.B)They spend less time eating breakfast.

【Section B】

Conversation 1音频原文:

W: Next, please.

M: [8] Yes. I’d like to book two train tickets to London tomorrow morning, please.W: OK, what time would you like to go?M: Well, after the rush hour I think. We’d like to avoid the crowds if possible. So probably sometime around 10 o’clock.W: No problem. Just give me a minute. There’s one here at 9:47, then one at 10:12, and then a third at 10:26M: The one at 10:12 sounds good.W: All right. Would you like to sit in first or second class?M: Second class is fine. Thanks. [9] Is there any chance we could have a window seat for one of those?W: No problem. And I’ve booked those seats next to each other for you. The total price is £36, 50. Is there anything else?M: Yes, actually. We’ll be taking our bicycles with us. What is the arrangement for that? And will it cost extra?W: It’s no extra cost. The price will be the same. [10] All you need to do is wait at the far end of the platform. When the train arrives, tell the train guard where you’re going and he will help you secure the bicycles in the last carriage and give you a ticket. Then you can walk down through the train to your carriage and take your seats. [11] When you arrive in London, hand the ticket to the guard and he will return the bicycles to you.M: Thank you for the information. That’s very helpful.

题目+答案Question 8. When would the man like to leave for London?8.A) After the rush hour.

Question 9. What is the man’s other request?9.C)One window seat.

Question 10. Where should the man wait for the train?10.B) At the far end of the platform.

Question 11. What should the man do to collect the bicycles? 11.D)Give the ticket to the train guard.

Conversation 2


M: Good morning. Our guest today is Karen Brooke. Karen is the managing director of Cube Movie Theater, located on Underhill Road. Thank you for coming, Karen.W: Thank you for having me.

M: So tell us about your cinema, Cube Movie Theater.W: Sure. Cuban Movie Theater has been around now for 11 years. It’s located in what used to be a hat factory.M: Oh, really?W: [12] Yeah, there used to be many hat factories in Britain until around the 1950s, but fashion changed and most people stopped wearing hats. So practically, all of those factories had to close down. This one, in particular, was closed for 47 years before we transformed it into a movie theater.M: I see, I hear there’s something else that makes your theater special. What is it that sets you apart from other theaters?W: [13] We are the only movie theater in the whole country that only shows foreign movies.M: Is there enough demand for that? [14] I would have thought that in London, most people don’t speak foreign languages.W: [15] Sure, there’s enough demand. The fact that we have been open and in business for all these years proves it. London is a very large and international city. There are lots of people interested in watching such movies. Furthermore, I might add all movies come with English text at the bottom of the screen. So even if you don’t understand what the actors say, you can still read it.M: Of course. What movie are you showing right now?W: This week we’re showing a musical from Pakistan. It’s very popular.


Question 12. What do we learn about hat factories in Britain?12.C) Nearly all of them closed down decadesago.

Question 13. What is special about Cube Movie Theater?13.A) It shows foreign movies exclusively.

Question 14. What does the man say about most people in London?14.B)They don't speak foreign languages.

Question 15. What does the woman say about foreign movies shown in London?15.D) They have an English translation on thescreen.

【Section C】

Passage 1

音频原文:Love them or hate them? Smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives, but should they be left outside the classroom? Nick Gibb, minister for school standards in England, believes schools should ban their pupils from bringing in smartphones. (16)Astrid Natalie, a secondary school math teacher, incorporates phones into her classroom. My school doesn't have money for tablets. She says, when students use their phones for research, they learn they have a powerful tool in their hands. If we stop children using phones, we are rejecting something they care about.Meanwhile, Helen Lockhart, a registered nurse working for community education, supports a complete ban. I'm banned from mobile use at work, and my phone must be handed in. If I'm caught with it in my pocket, I will be subject to disciplinary procedure,which will impact on my career. (17)We need to teach children how to behave like the professionals they're striving to become. (18)Richard stone, an English teacher, thinks there should be a clear separation between school and home. Students should do things differently in the two environments. Children are getting more than enough screen time in their lives without the need to bring their phone into the classroom. The internet is too easy and too unreliable a research tool. So let's leave phones and laptops at home and show them a different world in their lessons. One of books and pens, he says.


Question 16. What do we learn about Astrid Natalie,A secondary school math teacher?

16.B) She incorporates smartphones into herteaching.

Question 17. Why does Helen Lockhart, a registered nurse, support a complete ban on smartphone use in the classroom?

17.C)To help children grow up to beprofessionals.

Question 18. What should students do in the classroom according to Richard Stone, an English teacher?

18.A) Use books and pens only.

Passage 2

音频原文:[19] Kate, a 6-year-old girl, helped her brother wash windows to get a reward promised by her mother, a purple doll that she wanted. She watched her mother order the doll online. The next day, Kate asked if she could check the shipping status, so her mom clicked on the web page and walked out of the room. Kate saw that her doll would be arriving te next afternoon, but then she noticed something else, suggestions about other dolls and toys she could order. [20] 15 minutes and a few clicks later, with more than $350 worth of dolls in her cart, Kate placed the order and ran off to play. The next day, while checking on another online order, her mother noticed a long list of dolls on the way. She was able to cancel two of them, but it was too late to cancel the rest. She told her daughter that they were going to be returned. When the packages arrived, Kate wanted to open them, but her parents said no. [21] Instead of sending back the dolls, her father suggested giving them to the local children's hospital. So the next week, Kate’s family loaded up their car and took all the dolls to the playroom at the children's hospital. Kate was depressed at first, but then she sat with some girl patients, and they opened up all the boxes together, laughing and playing. She had a lot of fun and learned a really good lesson.


Question 19. How did Kate earn the reward from her mother?

19.D) By helping her brother wash windows.

Question 20. What did Kate do after her mother left the room?

20.A) She ordered a large number of dolls.

Question 21. What did Kate family do after the packages arrived?

21.B)They took all of them to the children's hospital.

Passage 3音频原文:Can the date you were born affect how successful your life is? According to recent research done in Australia? The answer is yes. [22] The researchers found that the time when a person starts school, has an enduring impact on their lives. Those who are relatively old compared to their classmates have certain advantages over them. Previous research has found older students achieve better results. They are also more likely to attend university and become professional athletes, chief executives, and even important politicians. But the Australian researchers wanted to discover what was driving these differences. [23]They suspected older, more mature students obtained more self-confidence than their peers, because they achieved better grades. To test this out, they conducted two studies. One was with high school students and the other with more than a thousand australian adults, aged between 24 and 60 years old.[24]In the first study, more than 600 high school students were surveyed about their tendency to take risks and feel confident. In the second study, those born on both sides of the cutoff date for starting school were asked to complete online math questions and rate their performance. They were also asked about the risks they took while riding bicycles and managing their finances. [25] The researchers found that older students displayed greater risk taking tendencies, while risk taking can be considered a negative attribute. It's also a characteristic of successful people, including athletes, political leaders and entrepreneurs.


Question 22. According to recent research conducted in australia, what has a lasting impact on one's life?22.A) The time one starts school.

Question 23. What was the purpose of the australian research?

23.B)To find causes for differences in the participants' performance.

Question 24. Who were the participants in the researchers' first study?

24.D)High-school students.

Question 25. According to the researchers, what is one characteristic of successful people?

25.C) Risk-takin

四级阅读解析01 第一套阅读

Section A 选词填空

阅读原文lt's a fantasy that goes back centuries: a message in a bottle...

参考答案26.O alike27.D struck28.L delight29.C suspect30.l intense31.A wore32.M colorful33.H mess34.B wildlife35.N bore

Section B 段落匹配


Hyphenating your last name after marriage?

题目+答案36-40 HDIAJ 41-45 BEGLF36.Many people today still find name hyphenation upon marriage unacceptable.36.H【定位】lf you care about outside opinions on your name, you should know that a large portion of today's society is annoyed by the hyphenated name.37.As a compromise, a bride will in most cases adopt a name that combines the couple’s last names.37.D【定位】Most of the time, though, the most popular compromise is to hyphenate your last name and the last name of your groom.38.The bride should consider adopting her groom's last name whether he feels strongly about it or not.38.1【定位】Whether your future husband insisting on your adopting his last name is a red flag to you or not, it is still something that you should take into consideration.39.Making preparations for marriage causes a lotof stress.39.A【定位】While being married is great and wonderful, the act of getting married can be quite stressful.40.Hyphenating the last names could be a win-winsolution should arguments arise about what nameto adopt upon marriage.40.J【定位】One spouse wants a complete name change.The other spouse wants no name change. Hyphenating the two names is a way for each person to, at least a little bit,“win” the argument.41.lt used to be considered socially unacceptable for a bride to retain her maiden name.41.B【定位】The act of keeping her own last name was considered taboo and people’s eyebrows would raise right of their faces...42.The bride who adopts a hyphenated last name after marriage can maintain connections with their past achievements.42.E【定位】lt allows you to stay connected to accomplishments that you achieved before yougot married.43.Hyphenating names allows the bride topreserve her own identity while respecting tradition.43.G【定位】At the the time, your name is associated with the identity you've built up and hyphenation allows you to respect that while also respecting tradition and your husband's family's identity.44.No matter what name the bride adopts, it ismost important that the newly weds truly love each other.44.L【定位】At the end of the day, whether you each keep your names, ... what matters is that you love each other and are going to be joining your lives together.45.Legally speaking, the bride is free to choose whatever name she prefers.45.F【定位】While tradition is one thing, there isn’t any logical reason to completely change your name.

Section C 仔细阅读

Passage 1It's good to be smart.

题目+答案46-50: ABDAC

46.What do we learn from the passage about the brightest people?A) They can make silly mistakes in straight forward situations.

47.What accounts for the existence of intelligent people’s logical blind spots?B) Too much faith in their ability to think.

48.How do smart people react when they are found to be wrong?D) They may get offended.

49. What may happen to smart people who find it difficult to accept suggestions?A) They may suffer in their professional and private life.

50.What is said about those working with or under overachieving people?C) They are under increasing pressure.

Passage 2Of the endless troubles that come with being...题目+答案51-55 DADCB

51.Why is the U.S. State Department launching an online learning program for refugees?[D]To help them to meet new employment standards.

52.What do we know about“Coursera for Refugees”?A) lt provides refugees with a wide range of courses free of charge.

53.What does the passage say is a consequence of the global migrant crisis?D) Refugees find it more difficult to get a job.

54. What does the author say causes refugees' difficulty in taking online courses?C) Lack of language skills.

55. What did the joint study find about the MOOCs several years ago?B)They benefited most of the learners.




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